Kylin: An Ab-Initio Quantum Chemistry Package

Especially Developed for DMRG-Based Methods
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The Kylin Developer Team

Kylin is developed by the research group of Prof. Dr. Haibo Ma. The developers are

  • Mr. Zhaoxuan Xie (now Phd student at LMU München);
  • Mr. Yinxuan Song (Phd student);
  • Mr. Fangwen Peng (graduate student);
  • Mr. Jianhao Li (now Phd student at University of Minnesota);
  • Mr. Yifan Cheng (Phd student);
  • Mr. Lingzhi Zhang (now graduate student at University of Tokyo);
  • Dr. Yingjin Ma (now researcher at Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences);
  • Dr. Yingqi Tian (Post-doc researcher);
  • Dr. Zhen Luo (Post-doc researcher);
  • Prof. Dr. Haibo Ma.

Ma group is dedicated to developing new chemical methods for strongly correlated quantum systems and excited systems and applications. We are focusing on the study of:

  • electronic structure of strongly correlated quantum systems;
  • quantum dynamics simulation and spectroscopy;
  • optoelectronics and photocatalysis.

Please visit the group website for more information.